About Circumilk

Converting dairy waste into green energy

Where some see residual waste as problematic, Circumilk sees raw materials for recycling and green energy production. With a sustainable, safe and comprehensive solution, we relieve the dairy industry of its waste and help it to comply with the complex laws and regulations at both national and European level.
The process is as follows: we collect the dairy waste, anonymize the packaging and separate them from their contents. We recycle the packaging material and process the organic contents into biomass for the production of bioenergy.
Each waste stream requires a different processing approach. We gladly contribute designing the most efficient one.

Why Circumilk?

Reducing residual waste

From a linear economy to a circular economy. Your waste is no longer disposed of as polluting residual waste, but used as renewable raw materials. The organic powders and butter are processed into biogas, green energy, heat or biodiesel and the non-organic packaging materials are recycled.

Regulations and safety

Certified carriers transport your waste in sealed containers, fully documented according to the latest legal and veterinary requirements. The local authority approved processing location has enclosed, secure areas equipped with CCTV and alarm systems.


  • NVWA animal by-products category 2 and 3
  • V.I.H.B. license for disposable waste

Transparency and confidentiality

Circumilk is familiar with the potentially sensitive nature of dairy waste streams. During the separation process, the packaging is anonymized and separated for recycling. This reduces the risk of reputation damage. Transparent insight into the processing is provided in periodic, personalized reports.

Tijmen Fikse
Phone: +31 682019362
E-Mail: tf@circumilk.com

Part of ‘Amsterdam Ingredients B.V.’

Wibautstraat 111-H
1091 GL Amsterdam
The Netherlands

VAT number NL858008300B01
Chamber of Commerce 69777853